Top 15 Worst Games I’ve Played (So Far)

Hey! I play video games, and a lot of them. I also sometimes play bad games. Not too often, the most I play is pretty average, but sometimes, you just come across something that does not agree with you, and can be objectively broken down as kind of trash and smelly. I need to specify that I do not just mean games I do not like or like very much. I mean the real deal bad stuff, the sort of stuff your average gamer these days will never subject themselves too as they pick up the newest major releases.

Some of those major games are buggy. Some will be broken at launch. However, with a few rare exceptions, these sorts of games usually have a baseline quality in several areas that will generally be met. However, it took decades to reach this level of gameplay and system refinement. People who tried new things messed up, or overlooked simply quality of life details. Good ideas were given to less then ready teams. Sometimes, you’d just get a perfect storm of bad across the board, and end up with some real, high level garbage.

As I stay on the lookout for more bad games to better grow my pallet for the medium in general, I figured I’d list out fifteen of the worst games I have played, at least so far. So, grab a snack, some coffee, and set some time aside as I go down the sins of gaming past and present those I’ve borne personal witness to. We about to break em off something proper, so let’s do this!

And if you got that reference, congrats, you are an old nerd.

BUT FIRST! I must go over a few games that did not place, but I felt compelled to mention still.

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